
My name is Lizzie Keis, I am Danish but I have lived practically all my life in Nigeria, England or France. I am a self-taught artist. I love the company of animals and being outside in nature. When I lived in England, I was a professional photographer. I specialized in black and white landscapes where I crawled on all fours to photograph wildflowers. Almost 30 years ago, my husband and I bought a small farm in southern Aveyron where I raised sheep. I also had three horses that I rode and harnessed and with which we looked for wood. I also got into woodturning at the same time as we were renovating the farm. It was during this period that I discovered that I could paint. Over the past ten years I have developed this passion: I have painted almost every day since we swapped the farm for a replica of a Dutch barge with which we navigated the French canals and rivers.

I paint a lot of animal portraits, mainly from photos, whether they are of my animals or orders. Most orders arrive via the Internet and portraits can be sent unframed anywhere in the world. I also like to paint flowers and landscapes, either realistically or more abstractly.

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